Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Forgetful Prue

 No photos again. I left my camera at home and my phone is still at the shop getting fixed.

Mariko had the day off from her jobs (one is a Haig's chocolates and she left some of their goodies). She reports that Rebel and Melody are getting on OK together. She can stroke Rebel with a stick. And she only has 3 mice left. Perhaps the mice died of fright because of the cat smell! Luckily the mouse breeder that she took the surplus from has given up breeding mice.

She brought, of course, a big bag of Christmas toys for the cats. They are in the form of three coloured, rope covered balls possibly with catnip inside which hang from a nifty hook. We put one on the handle if the box the Tosca hides in. The red ball managed to fall into her water bowl. And the water was stained bright red! 

I think she needs to get a refund from whoever sold her those cat toys.

A pair of Chinese ladies came to get their first cat (since the younger was 5 years old). They liked Molly whom they had seen on the website. And Dexter, and Yuki, and Angus and. . . . .  They have some preparation still to do at home before adopting one.

Since the beginning of the month, Margurete, Kittah and Hunter have been adopted. 

I schlepped two bags of washing, 1 bag of recyclables, a disgusting cat carrier and litter tray down to the loading zone and left them there. Rosanna has done the same thing. So I am not the only vacated minded vollie at the end of a long day. Luckily Sue was still then when I got home and can rescue the things I left behind.  I will get them on Friday.

Recent photo of Cody will have to do.

Upside down Cody

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