Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Bins away

The Willoughby garbage truck managed to smash one of our council bins today. There was sawdust and blue gloves all over the sidewalk. They will deliver another but it will probably take weeks. And I managed to loose the Cousins bin key. I must have chucked it in the cardboard bin with all the emptied food boxes that had littered Opies room before I flattened them. Luckily, we have spare keys. 

Yumi was adopted today. An excited voice rang in the morning to check that she was really still with us and available. She was in her stand alone so I said "come get her". Her new owner is a lovely, patient woman who sat smiling while Sue struggled to get the computer to do what it was supposed to do and to then find a way around what it wouldn't do. I only had to get Yumi into the cloth carry bag. . . . not so easy. She was very suspicious and wasn't even tempted by Greenies. But she is such a nice cat, I was allowed to pick her up and shove her in. 

Joy took photos. 

Pippa is in Welfare and is ready to go. She chirrups at everyone who walks by so won't last long when we get visitors.

Jack and Luna really enjoy having time out of their condo to play. All they need is a vollie to wiggle a wand toy at them

Luna (left, I think) and Jack.

PC has moved into Kenzie's condo. He will happily entertain visitors there. No appointment required. Just come to adore him.

Ros loving on PC
But poor Chad is still stuck in Incoming. He needs some of this loving.
 At one stage, I was the kitten holder for photos of Gracie's kittens. They don't like being held much and definitely don't like being pointed at by mobile phones or laptop computers. We had to microchip them to find the right ones to photograph via their microchip numbers. They all have G names and are mostly grey tabbies or grey and whites. The photos will appear on FB or similar.

Their downstairs neighbour, Cindy has had her kittens, 5 wiggly worms at this stage.

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