Friday, December 15, 2023

Adoption Tails: Theodore, Guy and Jack


Theodore’s siblings were Alvin and Simon. Theodore was adopted from foster care, and his siblings and mom (Ruby) were brought into SAFE afterwards.

1 day: Theodore is settling in well. They’re keeping his name and are calling him Teddy for short. He’s used his litter tray three times and is having some food and water - about a third to half a full meal. It’s the same food he’s used to and he comes running when they open it. They’re watching his appetite closely and are hopeful that he’ll start eating more soon. He’s in a separate room and has started slowly exploring the rest of the house. “He’s pretty shy still and gets scared by loud noises, but gives us big cuddles and playtime when he wants to! We are besotted and looking forward to his confidence growing”. He’s met their resident dog, a cavalier, tonight from across the room. Teddy coped really well but they’re keeping them separate for a while longer. They’re trying to do things as gently as possible for him. They’ve started site-swapping and have been leaving a few dog toys in Teddy’s safe room for him to smell. Teddy was very exploratory today and was keen to walk around the house.

Teddy 2 days
 1 week: “Theodore is going well. He’s been very explorative and playful - to the detriment of my plants. We love how snuggly he is. He and my dog are getting along well, they’ve now been sleeping next to each other on the couch during movie nights and Theodore initiates cuddles with my dog much to our surprise. He loves his cat grass too!” He had some diarrhoea so he had a checkup at the vet. The vet said he was healthy and thought it was the stress of the transition. He’s been on gentle food and probiotics and has improved now.

Teddy, one week
 1 month: “He’s wonderful! He’s grown so much already, and is so chatty and cuddly. All his tummy trouble is cleared up, he just needs some sensitive food. He loves visitors and meeting new people. He’s a very happy little boy!”

Teddy 1 month

 Guy and Jack

1 day: Both are settling in well. As expected, they are sticking close to their safe room for the time being during the daytime, but they are currently just relaxing in the sofa in the sun. They are out exploring at night and the owners actually had a good play with them last evening. Both have been eating and drinking very well and have been using their litter trays. The owners have not yet made a decision about the names but it is looking like they will be keeping them as they are.


1 week: Jack and Guy only took a couple of nights to settle in. They are very active and playful in the evening and are loving the girls! Interestingly, Guy seems to have come out of his shell faster than Jack who seems more cautious. Guy now comes hunting for pats. Both have excellent appetites and are responding well to the feeding routine.
head to head
1 month: Jack and Guy have settled really well and are taking over the house as one would expect! Guy is a bit of a rascal and Jack is much more reserved. They are loving cuddles and pats and seem to have very strong appetites! Both are much more in their element now.
nose to tail


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