Thursday, December 28, 2023

No lunch

 I usually eat my lunch in the car on the way from tennis to the cats. I came from home today a bit earlier than usual and didn't think to eat. I had a vague passing lunch thought at 2pm when I let Lola out so that she could share some with me. But that thought was swamped by yet another visitor.

Visitors ranged from a pair of primary girls and their mum having a treat away from their iPads to interact with some kittens. Good for the kittens and a good opportunity to teach a kid how to hold a kitten. (With any luck the parent is taking on the instructions as well). They stayed for ages.

Then a couple came for a companion to their boy cat. Kind of looking for a girl but rather liked the pair below Aslan for their fluffy tails, Luna and Jack. But they are moving within the month. So they will keep an eye on the website to see when J & L become available. They considered Pippa who trilled at them. Nice young couple.

Then some litter and food was dropped by a couple who didn't stay. (Thank goodness because everybody else did!)

Then an ?Japanese woman arrive with some donations. I think she is Japanese because she kept stopping herself from bowing to me and happily sat on the floor to admire the cats. She came with gifts. . . . items from first class airplane travel. I rejected the polyester comforters, the toothbrushes in paper packages but accepted the towel, baggie full of sugar, coffee, etc and the $50 note! She stayed until I threw her out at 4pm. She held the bowl of chicken while I handed it out. I wonder how she found us.

Japanese visitor with Dexter
Then another young couple came in to find a companion for their teenaged rescue boy kitten. They looked at and loved everybody, especially Pippa. I gave my usual advice to take photos of the ones they really liked (all of them) and keep an eye on the web page. They went home to think. They live on Victoria Ave in Chatswood. How do I know that? They were back within half an hour with a carry cage to adopt Cherry (who will get along fine with an older kitten if she remembers her big brothers). Poor Peanut is all alone (with his mum who is coming into heat, again.)
I tried to get a photo of Pickle's kittens who are getting more adventurous.

a pile of Pickles kittens
And of Cindy's slugs.
Cindy's babies

At four I still hadn't unpacked the clean washing. But Geoff came to take over the afternoon feed. So I did that and remembered that I hadn't eaten lunch.
Geoff rearranging Elsa's condo

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