Friday, December 8, 2023

Not forgetful, just busy

 Didn't take any photos today. We were running around like the proverbial headless chooks because tomorrow there is to be a Safe appearance at Westfield Shopping Centre in Chatswood and Tim is still sick so wasn't there to gather up all the stuff that the team will need. 

Sue was unsure about how to erect the stand alone required so I took photos of it laid flat in the hallway and with the help of vollie Stephen took photos of how it is erected. Then I described it in an email to go to the photos. Thank goodness for Stephen who could show me how to attach the photos to an email to several people!

Then Sue and I had to search Opie's room for the stuff that the vollies at the show can sell to the visitors. . . . there should be a price to pay for cuddling Blossom's kittens. We tried to get the sensible things. Even discovered a clip board with prices on it for Sue to send as an email to the Westfield vollies. And the instructions for using the Square to take any money. 

Tim would have done this in half an minute but he is still full of lurgi and is not welcome anywhere near us healthy types. 

I did manage to distribute chicken and discovered, to my horror that when I let out Aslan for his first wander of the day in the late afternoon, he immediately tried to steal any bits of chicken in the new enclosures. Mia hadn't eaten her bit. I had to pluck it out of Aslan's mouth. And then scurried ahead of him to push any odd bits to where he couldn't reach through bars to get to. He may be a smoocher but he is a determined feline.

Aslan in April
The last job I did with Sue was to weigh Elsa's kittens again. Elsa managed to belt Sue. . . again.

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