Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Black and White rules

 Joy has photos to prove it:

Rory and Little

They spent the night in the Play Place. I thought that a boarder who had paid for play time should have a go. I asked Ginger Megs if he was interested. He declined to get down from his upper shelf let alone be moved elsewhere. This turned out to be a good thing because his owner came to pick him up a couple of hours later. He HATES his cat carrier. Luckliy Tim happened to be passing when we went to get him. And whizz bang, he was in the carrier and his owner was most impressed.

I did put Rory and Little back in their condo and moved the grey pair of boarders because they have paid for 4 hours of play time and might be picked up tomorrow or Friday. They will still be in the Play Place probably. I couldn't get the fluffy one to come out of the small box.

Charley and Champ
They are happily back on crunchies despite not having any teeth.


Mickey loves his food and is prepared to love anybody who will feed him. He has grown into a handsome boy.

Joni is still wary of people but she is much better than she was.

Mia was in a calm, regal mood today. Probably pleased that her next door neighbour got adopted to the folk who had baggsed her while she was in the foster home. They are prepared to risk the wrath of the Strata Body because they own their apartment and their daughter adores Natsku.

She loves to show her missing canine . . . . by hissing at visitors to her celestial condo.

I schlepped 45 bags of poo out to the bins this morning. The verandah is clear. Let's try to keep it that way.

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