Thursday, April 18, 2024

Adoption Tails: Sparky, Lucy and Junior, Max

 Sparky, now Sparkle

1 day: Sparky slept in the bed last night and broke the bedside lamp (which the owner did not like so "Well done Sparky". He has toileted and had some wet food which he quite liked. The owner is off to the pet shop to get some more essentials for Sparky and is keen to set up a direct debit for a donation.
No 1 week response

1 month: The owner found out as he went into his local council to register Sparky that Sparky is in fact named "Sparkle" and this is what he will be sticking with. "Sparkle is a stellar champion!" The owner has been experimenting and settled on a diet that Sparkle likes. The owner will put the food down and turn around and the food will be gone versus tolerable/disliked food that will take all day or even go untouched. 
The owner plans to introduce a dog (Chihuahua and Jack Russell cross) named Billy who may become a regular visitor if Sparkle and Billy get along. Billy will be in a carrier for Sparkle to meet at home and the first few visits will stay this way until they become accustomed to each other. All in all, Sparkle is well settled in at home, coming up to the owner's ankle for pats and initiating games. "Truth of the matter is that Sparkle saved me."

Lucy & Junior, now Pepper & Ginger

1 day: They're doing great. Lucy, who the owners are now calling Pepper, is so affectionate and Junior, now Ginger, is pretty shy but has come out of the cat cage for food and water. They've both used the litter tray. They are both so sweet and the girls were up at 6am this morning, playing with Pepper. The owner even introduced Pepper to her team over a work Teams call as she was sitting on her lap. Ginger is taking a little longer and definitely prefers it when it's not so noisy (with the kids).
Lucy now Pepper
 1 week: They're both just gorgeous. Ginger is slowly getting used to the family and sits with them in the evenings now. Pepper is so cuddly. Naomi (one of SAFE's day managers) will visit the family soon.
Junior now Ginger
1 month: They're both doing so well. The family loves them. Ginger has totally come out of her shell and loves being picked up and having cuddles. Pepper loves all the attention and wakes everybody up first thing in the morning for breakfast. Pepper and Ginger like to sit outside on the verandah which is enclosed with pool gates so they can't get out. They get some outside time but they're not allowed out into the bush. "They're a fantastic addition to the family and we are all smitten."
Pepper and Ginger


Max was adopted by Cherry's owner (adopted back in Nov 2021)

1 day: Max is doing well. He is in his own room and has been eating, drinking and using the litter tray. The owner has also been in contact with Tim for advice which they have been following. Max loves to sit on the owner's desk, especially during meetings.

1 week: Max has settled in well, however he and Cherry (resident cat) do not get along at all. Cherry is still hissing and growling at Max and Max would chase her down. The family is still trying different ways to get them to play nice.

1 month: Cherry and Max aren't getting along unfortunately but they're both boarding at SAFE for the next few days so hopefully they have a chance to reset when they both return home and play nice with one another.

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