Wednesday, April 24, 2024

No bags again

 Thank you Tuesday. But I took the bags our vollies filled out before the Willoughby garbos came just to get rid of them. The first bin whose lid I opened did have some space. And also a rat. . . a live rat who scurried down into the bin's depths. Poor thing will get a surprise when s/he arrives at the landfill. But it might just be the perfect place for a rat to live.

Since last week Chilli, Mouse and Eric have been adopted. I wonder if the person who adopted Chilli was the one who initially wanted Jade. But Jade was adopted by a mum for her kids' holiday pleasure. That didn't turn out well because one of the kids developed a severe cat allergy within 2 days. He hadn't shown signs to other cats in his life. So it was just Jade. Jade is back with her fosterer. 

Pickle has been moved to Eric's stand alone. This afternoon we moved her to the play place because Cindy and Co had it overnight last night. They need a quiet night tonight.

Cindy, Rufus and Indiana (L to R)

Chilli's is empty. And Tim wants to move Yin and Yan into Mouse's condo. But they were perfectly happy to be stroked this afternoon in their separate hidey holes. Sue and I thought that they would regress if shut up in an airless condo. So we left them where they were.

And let Venus and Muffin have a night out in the Top Cat. They were delighted to have a good stretch and scratch.

Venus and Muffin
Miz and Riley came to us because their owner has a terminal disease. They don't need their privacy covering. Riley is very friendly now. Miz perhaps not so much but she will come around.

Riley above, Miz skeptical

Betty's kittens have been named Barry and Blaze (by Sue). They have ringworm and today had a ringworm treatment bath. They did not enjoy it (neither did Sue). But they rather liked being snuggled up in towels on top of fresh hotties.

Barry and Blaze

Each week Lola tries another spot. She is accepting greetings from strangers as well as vollies these days and does nose bops with anybody who feeds her.

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