Friday, April 26, 2024

One left

 Rufus Maxwell went today. I got a phone call at about 1pm from a family driving home from Coff's Harbour. Evidently the daughter of the family had spotted Rufus on our website earlier in the week. Mum managed to stop phoning us until they were on their way home. She was delighted that he was waiting for her when they arrived at around 2pm. They didn't pop home to Allambie Heights to get their cat carrier. I loaned them a kitten sized one that they will return. Rufus will have two dogs to get used to. These dogs like cats already. They will love Rufus.

So that leaves Indiana Ginge with Cindy. Today I noticed that he has matching spots on the back of his ears and managed to get a photo while he watched Tim try to vaccinate Bassuria and Julie. (B yes J no)

Indiana Ginge

And perhaps you can see that Betty has been moved into the stand alone by the door. She was easy to move and settled in well.
Her kittens were feeling much better today especially Barry who just wanted to play and play. Blaze just wanted to eat and sleep.

The palace crew wanted to eat also. Feeding them chicken is a risky business (for my fingers). Geoff manages them well though.

Geoff and our new pile of litter bags (thanks Marissa)


Mia says they should wait their turn.

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