Friday, April 19, 2024

Slow trigger finger

 Life at a cattery is full of "just missed it" photo opportunities.

This afternoon Lola was curled up on the couch with her head tucked upside down which cats do when they are really relaxed. By the time I grabbed my camera she was in the brick position with her head up.

Then I walked past Chad and he was curled up in the fleece lined litter tray that I have often wondered why is under the shelf in his condo. By the time I pulled out my camera he was on his way.
And on my way out I decided to say goodnight to Yin and Yang who were sharing a fluffy bed. Silly me to disturb them. They will probably worry all night.
Yin and Yang share an igloo

But the good news for the day is that Misty has been adopted. A man (Dutch and large) and his son (I assume) came in earlier in the week to look for an adult cat. They needed to confirm that their new apartment allowed a cat. Having got permission they came to decide between Gigi, Misty and Cindy (Clawford). I got to hold her two remaining kittens while they communed with her. . . it is a hard job, but somebody has to do it. Gigi was thrilled to see them again. And Misty was gracious. They chose Misty who must be the easiest cat I have ever put into a carry cage. Her new owner works from home so I predict that she will get fat like he is and live a long, happy life.

PS I tucked the red and white towel in the carry cage with her. It is covered with her hair and will comfort her in the place of new smells . . . . . and not clog up my washing machine!

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