Updates for Rain's litter of 7 kittens
Unfortunately, Rain the mum escaped about 3 months after coming into SAFE care, leaving her young kittens behind.
No follow ups for Simba (adopted by foster), Daisy, Charlie and Monkey.
Mark, now Angus 6699
1 day: Mark, now called Angus, has settled in quite well. He's been eating and drinking normally and the owner saw him doing pee & poo in the litter box. He's not playing a lot yet but is very cuddly and sleeps with the owner. He's found some hidey holes around the house, is happy to jump up for a pat and is purring a lot.

1 week: He's filled a giant cat shaped hole in the owners' lives.
1 month: Angus is definitely a fun, lovable member of the family now. He has grown lots and had had his first trip to the vet earlier in the week because of a scratch that was a bit red. He's all okay now. He's being harness trained and even climbed up a tree after meeting his first bush turkey.
Flick, now Isla 6700
1 day: There has been quite a lot of meowing and hiding soon after the owner picked Flick up from foster. She then sat herself on their lap for 15 minutes purring and kneading her paws. She has since gotten off and hidden. She has yet to eat, drink nor toilet.
1 week: The owner has named her Isla. She is definitely settled now! Very playful, roams around the whole apartment, demands attention and affection. She's just the best!
Flick |
1 month: She is doing really good!
1.5 months: Isla has started to bite quite a lot in the past week or so, not aggressively. The owner wonders if it is from teething and how to get her to stop when she is biting. "Saying no and pulling away seems to make her want to do it more!"
2 months: Isla caught a very bad case of worms unbeknownst to the owner and has been experiencing bouts of diarrhoea and vomiting. All was resolved when Tim saw a gnarly picture of worm infested vomit and Isla was promptly given deworming treatment. The owner later took her to the vet for a check up and she is eating, drinking and playing as per normal.
Geisha, now Olive
Olive's owner actually knew Sue from a few years ago and promised her to adopt a pet from Sue when she started the charity, which ended up being SAFE!
1 day: The family is really proud of Geisha (now named Olive). First night was a bit unsettling for her (as expected) but she managed to sleep through until about 5:30am before crying. She has done 2 wees in her litter tray over the weekend, no poops yet. She had her first big meal this morning (she's constantly had food, just hasn't been eating meals) which was some turkey breast (she loved it), her wet Royal Canin kitten food and dry biscuits. She's been drinking water too. Her safe space is still very much under the bed in the owner's storage box of winter jumper but will happily go to other rooms of the house provided that somebody is with her. She loves cuddles and pats and purrs like a jet engine. She's learnt to jump up on the bed and was starting to play last night and this morning.
1 week: Olive is just precious. She's eating 3 square sachets of kitten foods a day with snacks and treats on top. Still haven't seen her use the water fountain but the owners have been adding extra water into her food and they busted her drinking water out of the shower this morning. She's doing about 2-3 wees a day and 1 solid number 2. She has no reservations about exploring every inch of her new home and is rarely under the bed anymore. Loves sleeping with the owners on the bed at night and curling up for snuggles. Her favourite toy is a wooden clothes peg and a pen despite the plethora of toys the owners bought her. She was spending Sunday morning cuddled up under the doona. Also, Olive fell asleep when the owner clipped her nails for the first time!

1 month: Olive is the apple of the owners' eyes, she's super inquisitive, loves to explore and play and eat! Her favourite toys are pens, earplugs and clothes pegs. She loves scotch fillet, turkey and chicken, cuddling up on the couch with the owners at night and chin rubs. Olive's foster carers popped in over the weekend for a visit to see her.