A busy weekend. Not only was Mia adopted but her next door neighbour Harry was adopted too. And so was Felicity the kitten.
Felicity |
And Teddy and GiGi have been adopted by our Natalie.
Lola is doing well. She is in a small condo and has a huge plastic cone on. But seems to be happy to be home. (The pain killers probably help). There is a fund raising effort on Facebook to try to recoup the price of her operation.
Cordelia was sent to the vet to be desexed. And they discovered that she is pregnant. So she is back in her condo, enjoying the pregnancy rations and looking as slim as she was last week.
Cordelia |
She came in at the same time as Zoe did. Zoe is younger.
Zoe |
We had a new kitten for a short while. Choco was whisked off to be fostered.
Choco |
And Mateo is back in a hard collar for another week. He bumped his wound in the soft collar . . . . probably when racing around like a mad thing. He had a turn in the play place where he can't get up to full speed.
Mateo |
Aziza's kittens (in Isolation) are very interested in eating her food. Unfortunately the crunchies make them vomit. So we separate Aziza in a carrier to eat her crunchies with a side of wet food while the littles have just the wet food. They love it.
Aziza's 4
Fun with the bins today included magots! Somebody filled the Willoughby bin in the basement and it was left there yesterday because two others were taken out to the pavement (including the cracked one that I had left upside down in the basement to NOT be filled).
That cracked bin will be collected by Willoughby council within the next three working days. It is on the sidewalk. . . . upside down.