TIm is back at work . . . . just. He croaks and looks like he needs more sleep. But the cats are happy to have him back. Even Sootie ate all his breakfast.
I asked him if he knew who was who amongst the G's. He thinks that the tuxedo is a girl which will make one of the tabby's a girl and the other a boy. The tuxedo is definitely a lower ranked girl and the tabby girl is usually roughhousing or grooming with the tabby boy. So I propose (by what right?) that the tuxedo be "Grace" and the tabby "Giselle". If I remember my ballet stories, Giselle got up to trouble with the prince.

Giselle, Grace, Grayson
My guess is that Grayson moved as soon as I pointed the camera at them. Which means that he has the white line down the middle of his nose. We shall see in the fullness of time.
I tried to devise a cover that small kittens could use to climb up our stylish wooden ramps. The velcro is not strong enough to support the weight of a kitten on the carpet like pads that the manufacturer sticks to the front and back of it.
I used some of the quilted mattress covers that we were overwhelmed with at Ingleside and put extra bumps so the kittens could climb up it. It is secured with ties that can be tied into bows.
It took Jaffa's kittens 10 minutes to untie the bows. And they jumped up from the lower to the upper level in a single bound. . . . . . back to the drawing board.
Jewell was returned because the person who adopted her had unrealistic expectations about the amount of time it would take for her to settle in and become a lap cat. Luckily the person returned her bed which she is happily hiding under. She does appreciate a covered cuddle.

And Pepi is back and NOT HAPPY.
I made friends with Chester, the 20year old cat surrendered along with his doggie friend last Friday. His person can no longer look after them. The dog is in foster care.
Chester is affectionate but smells. So I got a brush and that interested him. I doubt he has been brushed for years. I could only do his face and cheeks and when I felt down his flank there was damp. Tim says that he has ulcers all over. Poor, old guy. But he has come to the best place to get some loving attention.

Catsie and I have devised:
The Bumpabet
We started with an EB = elbow bump, moved to an FB = foot bump. What about the rest of the alphabet?
AB = Adult Bump, only to be done by consenting adults, in private
BB = Baby Bump, which there will be a lot more of in 9 months time
CB = Cat Bump, they can catch it from us but we can't catch it from them so try not to sneeze on your cat
DB = Dog Bump, they don't seem to be able to catch Covid-19 so let them slobber, you need it.
GB = Grandparent Bump, best done over the phone/email.
HB = Hug Bump, what we will do when the pandemic passes
IB= Ignore Bump. Ignore all attempts at bumping.
JB = Jump Bump. Equivalent to Hi-5, jump up, don’t touch.
KB = Kiss Bump, only if you live with them anyhow
LB = Long Distance Bump, for faraway friends and family
MB = Mother Bump because all kids need hugs from their own mum
NB = No Bump. Don’t want to know about bumps.
OB = Oldies bump are not too hard, they may fall over
PB = Papa Bump because all kids need hugs from their own dad
QB = Quiver Bump: an exciting bump, indicating a desire for more
RB = Rather Not Bump because we have learned to respect personal boundaries.
SB = Sole Bump for those who are sitting down. The soles of your shoes can't get much dirtier.
or SB = Shout Bump: Don't do it. The louder you talk the more droplets are spread and the further they go.
or SB = Smile Bump: contagious but in a good way
TB = Tickle Bump to be performed on babies by their close family members only
UB = Underarm Bump: only to be attempted by teenagers but NOT NOW.
VB = Virtual Bump: must be an emoji for this
WB = Wobbly Bump: beware, unsteady bumper
XB = X-rated Bump: the after-dark bump, for very close friends
YB = Why Bump for pandemic deniers
ZB = Ze Bump pronounced with a phoney French accent
Share it with your friends rather than sharing the virus. And send us more B ideas.