Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Many visitors

No wonder Tim needs days off, it gets exhausting dealing with all the people. . . . the cats are easy. Heather rang at 10am to ask if she could come to meet Tammy 6. Sure, I said. She arrived at 11:30. It was a case of love at first sight, for both of them. She adopted her. While the adoption was being processed (I am slow, still) two other folk rang to ask about adopting her. And there were a couple of emails. Her write up on the SH website was very appealing. Heather used to be a vet nurse. Has had lots of cats (including a Himalayian so she knows about brushing cats) and her two Jack Russle type dogs died in February so she was ready for a new house mate. She wanted a scratchy pole. So I rang Tim (sorry Tim) to ask about the price for Lil's brand new white one that only got as far as just inside the front door. $100 was accepted and it is gone. Heather may be back as a volunteer. Then came Tara to adopt Loki. She didn't need to meet him. She just wanted him. I told her that he was a bit snuffly but she didn't mind. Compared to Tammy 6, he was a dream to get into her carry cage. I had to lend Heather a top loading carrier for Tammy who wasn't dangerous was but determined not to get into her small carrier. Then came the woman whose son adopted Amber. Amber is having a splendid life, she says. She came with a donation of towels and, of course, wanted to meet some cats. She has two 6/8 year old boy cats. So she really doesn't need another. But she might have gone home to work on her husband about Angelique. Then came a local couple who drop by frequently to find the perfect cat for them. They were interested in Tammy 6 from the website. Too late. So wanted to meet everybody else. They go for the older cats but he liked Vinnie who is new and came with all kinds of food.
He has perhaps been shaved from his knees to his tail to his waist. Or perhaps he has an allergy. His face is very cute and friendly.
Or perhaps the special organic type food is for Bella, a very tortie, confident lady whom they also liked.
Lil is back. I couldn't bear her being stuck in a small condo until Saturday when her new people (with kids) will come for her so set her up in her wheely cage so that she can crow and call.
Then it was time to mop the floor and serve dinner.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Charlie: Liz reports

Has been adopted. He was put on the Safe website on Monday and went very quickly.
(Not this Charlie.) A woman came in with a surrender - again no details but looked like a nice tabby. She had so much stuff in her car to go with him that Tim had to go down with her taking the trolley to bring it all in.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Too busy

Safe Haven was a scene of controlled chaos when I arrived at noon. Star had her babies overnight. They are all black, just like her so are difficult to count.
A foster carer came to take her home but took Zelda instead because she hadn't had her kittens yet. . . . not a good idea to transplant newborns. Then a couple arrived, cats in arms, in tears because they have lost their jobs and their home and need to go back to Germany pronto so can't keep their furbabies. They don't get on very well so are in adjacent condos.
They are Lillie (the name of the month) and Toby (the grey tabby)
Then a "family" of three young adults came to adopt Lucia. They have not had a cat before so needed all kinds of advice and inctructions and support. Tim gently lifted her in her Rose box out of the wheely cage and she stepped out of it into their carry cage. He then gave them the box with instructions to not clean out her hairs. I set up an wheely for Diamond and Hera. Tim transferred them: Diamond to the bottom door and Hera to the top door. Diamond stayed where she was but Hera had to be helped to find a way down to her.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Joy's Wednesday

Whilst Black Cats Matter they have competition with the assortment of ‘gingers’ now on the scene ..... The first must surely be Tammy 6 who’s lion mane makes her the most attractive girl although a little well fed! Is that a white spot on the end of her tail?
Billy comes a close second and I’m sure is dying for a cuddle once her settles in more, he was busy making dough when I took this....
Not forgetting the besties “JuJu & Elle” who almost took a treat out of a human hand!
Lastly the affectionate Zelda who would take anything from you since she’s about the have her babies .... what a lovely Mum she will be I’m sure....
Nice to see how Petey & Buddy are coming out a bit and again happy to have a treat,

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

News of Ls

From my friend Gina: We attempted putting on the harness - she was not amused...we have been attempting to clip her claws- also unsuccessful...but have taken some wonderful photos....
We have anotther Loki. But this one is pronounced "lowkey" and is named for some cartoon character. He is super friendly. He comes from the Canley Vale colony and was probably dumped there. He sounds a bit congested to me so watch for snot splatters.
Lil was missing her Loki and Leo who were adopted as soon as they were uploaded to the website. Lil cried for cuddles but settled down once we complied. She will be adopted tomorrow morning as soon as we open, probably. Luna, the boarder, has finally come out of her carrier. She is a big cat with ever so slightly crossed eyes and a nasty, heavy collar and bell that has rubbed the hair from under her chin.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Follow the leader

I picked up litter at Arundel Park again today. They allowed us 20 bags of 15Kg and 20 bags of 500gm which are trial packs for adopters. My little car drove like a stately matron all the way back to SH. And skipped home after all that weight was removed. The bags are now along the wall where they used to be. The three legged cage is now where Lucia's was. Lucia has been moved to the corner of the main room and the huge stratchy pole that was there now sits by the quarrantine chair. I set up the three legged cage for Octavia. But did not participate in moving her. . . . my skin is too tearable. Leo, Loki and Lil have been desexed. They watched all this movement with fascination from the bottom of their wheely cage. I couldn't decide whether they were not feeling so well (Leo has a post operative cough) or that they were waiting for dinner. They missed a meal yesterday which is of great significance to a kitten. I stopped to pat Petal and got a handful of hair. Thursday's warm weather has prompted the shedding of winter coats. So I got a brush and gave her the treatment which she loved. I even brushed Venus who didn't get off her perch on top of the carry cage but tolerated it. As I smelled of their sisters, I decided to move to Steph's boys and give them a turn. They, in true boy cat manner, were even more desperate for attention. Baghera literally crawled into my arms and licked my face while I brushed Ares. What wonderful cats they are. . . . a real tribute to Steph. While I was there I checked on Dolly. One of her kittens was upstairs with her. So I installed a climbing slope. I stuffed a foam plastic place mat that arrived on the laundry shelves about a month ago and I almost tossed out because. . . plastic! place mat! But it stuffed firmly through the hole and the kittens can easily get their claws into the foam. It will be interesting to see how long it lasts. One kitten got the idea immediately.
Others soon followed because I had scattered some baby cat crunchies to distract Dolly.
Soon they were all up there,
except this guy who couldn't work it out. There is one in every family. Maybe his/her name should be Dafty.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Overstaffed Boss Cocky

Today I had two regular vollies plus Sue who was training two more vollies. I enjoyed swanning around looking decorative. (Not). And as I did a final check of waters and doors I noticed that Lil/Loki/Leo had no water. I filled their bowl and immediately all three heads tried to fit into that bowl. So I gave them another. . . . . which they will probably overturn overnight. Lucia has been desexed and still wears a collar. When I gave her breakfast she got out of her box (Yellowglen Rose. . . very good taste for a Liverpool cat) and I took her collar off because her right front leg was sticking out of it as well as her head. She retired to her box and stayed there all day. I sat on the floor beside her and tried to entice her out of it by pats and loving words but it didn't work. She purred and appreciated the attention but wasn't falling for the trick. But as I was about to leave, she emerged and allowed me to put it back on her. And purred again. The sister of the woman who surrendered Abbie called to ask after her. I took the phone with me and Abbie talked to her, purred and drooled. Even the attention of a mobile phone is good to Abbie. Later I came back with a brush and gave her lots of time. She loved it. I had to wipe her drool from the floor. . . together with the hair. Like Katie she never stops moving for a photograph.
Another cat that loves attention is Tammy 6. Tammy 1 doesn't like attention. She is the wild one that introduced the dread disease but recovered. Tammy 6 is the fluffy ginger with freckles on her nose.
We have a rash of black cats including Star who now rooms with Rita (except at mealtimes).
Windsor is black.
As are Buddy and Petey whose distinguishing features are one white whisker and only one front leg.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Leopold adopted: Liz reports

Leopold was adopted by an older lady who seduced him with treats and he responded by allowing her to stroke him. Tim says she is fully aware and prepared for the fact that it will take time for him to settle down and relax in his new home.
Tabby was also adopted - but no surprise there.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Every attendee will get a prize

No prizes for guessing what will be in the black bags that members who go to the AGM tomorrow will be asked to take home with them. In the meantime, somebody came to look at our cats, met Katie and decided that as they already had a diabetic cat in the house, another one would be no trouble. She is still with us because the adoption is not official. But cross your fingers for our Katie. I finally got a photo with her sitting still!
The two who arrived on Wednesday are Zelda (fluffy)
and Rita. (Who chose those names to go together?) They seem to be settling in nicely.
Another cat, Libby was surrendered. The owners were in floods of tears. They have had the cat for 11 years but got a dog a couple of years ago to go with their baby. Libby doesn't like the dog. Or the new baby. So they gave her away. (We think the dog should have gone first, followed by the baby!) Libby was obviously upset. She may not like other cats either.
We now have two Tammys. The new ginger one is above our wild girl.
We sorted the new L kittens: Loki has the most dramatic markings. His stripes would look good on a tiger.
The other two are not so dark but are very similar. But one is a girl and the other a boy so it is easy to tell from behind. From the front, Lil has less stripes on her front feet.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Tabbies Rule: Joy reports

Three new tabbies dominate the stand alone in the back area and are all friendly, inquisitive & energetic as tabbies are ..... you really would have a difficult time distinguishing the difference between Lil, Loxi and Leo!
Opposite Lucia is enjoying her new abode in another stand alone and whilst she was hiding in her red wine box early morning by lunchtime had found the hammock far more comfortable ..... she really is such a little delicate pretty cat .....
New Mum Dolly (in boarding) with her kittens hissed and carried on when I went to clean the condo, so much that whilst you’d presume she was protecting her 5 kittens, she herself disappeared into the car carrier and left them all running around quite happily. Too funny.
Nom has taken Centre stage now occupying Big Ginge’s empty suite - he looks like the cat who’s found the cream. Perhaps now he’ll let us all in without trying to take our arm off! Little Angelique seems happy playing on her own and Mum, Ashleigh did make an appearance & sit on top of her condo (& the other little shy kitten Amber too) but it’s really all about Angelique, she’s such a cutie .... do hope they all get to have a stand alone soon so they will all have the opportunity to communicate with us.
Two new cats appeared with no names - photo attached of one (fluffy tortie) & the other (large grey) briefly came out of the carrier to eat a treat & when Tim came in he told us she was heavily pregnant!
Look forward to the full details.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Missed one

Today I went to pick up litter. I am actually learning the route and where places like Doonside are! So I didn't get to Safe Haven until 2:30pm. Some cleaning angel had sterilized most of the condos that I left to be done on Wednesday. But more were to be done: The nameless mum and bubs in S14 have gone to a foster home. Emma (so named because Emma brougth her) has gone. The condo above the nameless mum's had a please clean sign. Larry and Leonard's wheely condo still had the sign I put on it on Wednesday. Mally's condo needed to be done because he was adopted today. Hurrah. We got an enquiry from our web page from a mum of a 4 (almost 5) year old on Wednesday to ask if Mally would be suitable for a kid. I replied that he (the cat) is big enough and smart enough to keep out of the kid's way. And that they should both visit to see if Mally liked them. They came. They liked him. He liked them. He went home with them to make beautiful music together. While I cleaned Mally's condo, Billy above sat and watched
until he could bear it no longer. . . too much wiggling around, too many nasty smells and scraping sounds. He retreated to his upper berth. And Tabby next door was digging and digging in his small litter tray. He just couldn't find the right position. Eventually he did his business and I gave him a bigger litter tray. He is a big puss.
And still I missed one of the please clean signs. The one on Jacob's condo and he has been gone for a week. So it is not just me who misses them. Petal, Steph's cat, has lovely blue-green eyes. They will be staying with us for some time while Steph sorts out her abode.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Sewing circle

Today I repaired the hole in the mesh that Hera and Diamond made. John next door donated the mesh. I provided the needle and thread and the cats watched. Katie just above to the right purred throughout. She made music for me to stitch by.
Hera and Diamond were fascinated. They have forgotten their part in the hole.
Beyond Katie, Peggy was fascinated.
Even Mally wanted to know what was going on. Or maybe he just interested in the music Katie was singing.
We got it done and now can admire the moire effect of two adjacent grids. Will it survive a cat's claws?
Apricot has gone to Sue's house to be turned into a brave cat. We have a replacement ginger puss called Billy.
We have a new cat called Emma because Emma brought her. We don't know if we will keep her.
There is a new mum with bubs under where Abbey used to be in Boarding. I didn't realise that she had bubs in her carrier. I got her confused with the other mum with bubs at the other end of Boarding, who has been named Dolly.
And there is a new cat called Maisy under Leopold.
Not to mention the fact that Larry and Leonard went home today. The lovely man who adopted them may just come back to adopt Lucia as well. But I think that is greedying too many greys.