Monday, October 5, 2020

Dolly's kittens

I filled in for Liz today. It was an opportuntiy to try to get a decent photo of each of Dolly's kittens. We plan to resusitate the cage cards that Joy and I made for Peggy's kittens. There was a photo of the kitten, description, who had earmarked it. . . at least. Tim would like to get our faithful followers to decide their names and wants a group photo. Good luck with that! My camera is not fast enough.
I did get photos for ID of each. There are four boys:
One of the gingers has more white. The other is fluffier.
And the tortie girl.
It was nice to see lots of boarders in for the school holidays: Smoko, Skitty, Lord Panther, Mickey to name a few. The saga a Lil concluded over the weekend. The person who was so keen to get her having been gazumped at St Ives, only managed to keep her for 4 hours on Saturday before the mother's allergy became unbearable. She was returned. To be adopted, again, the next day. There were two phone calls for her was she was taken home on Sunday. I sterilized her wheely cage. . .. for the last time, I hope. We have 24 cat collapsable, cardboard condos in flat packs that were a promotion for PetO that has passed. They are marked "Not for Sale" so we have them and plan to give one away with every kitten adoption. They are on top of the quarrantine condos.

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