Tuesday, October 20, 2020

More chicken necks grrrrrr

As we have so many kittens, I went to Woolies to buy chicken necks. I tried them on Cody again. He licked it and left it. Not so Dolly's kittens who got the first lot. (Dolly got hers first so we could put her kittens back into the condo from their carrier). They knew exactly what to do with them except for the smallest tuxedo who had a touch of the flu some weeks ago and is still behind his siblings. He had a drink of water in the corner while they growled over their chicken necks.
Lily and her kittens knew exactly what to do with them too. Her kittens growls were louder. Luna's kittens are too small so they missed out.
Billy and Petey loved theirs. So did Rita, who is pregnant proved by ultrasound. (But remember Bonnie, Candace's sister!)
Patchy got hers first and almost swallowed it whole! But, being a very good mum, she patiently waited until her kittens had a good chew on their before tidying them up.
We have new cats some of whom are very shy. Vinnie got adopted by a man from Rozelle who was advised to come pay for him quickly because he will go fast. As soon as he walked out (without Vinnie . . . he needs to set things up at home) the phone rang with another enquiry after him. Angelique was also adopted over the weekend. My friend Gina sent me a photo of Lola relaxing at home.

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