Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Surprise return

Last night I checked the SH webpage to know who was available for adoption and saw Diamond/Hera and Tammy 6. So I assumed that my computer was stuck in two weeks ago. I tried everything but couldn't get it to update. This morning I found Tammy 6 back in her condo.
She has been there since Saturday. (I just didn't notice her yesterday). Evidently, the person who adopted her found that she is a trip risk. She knew that her eyesight was not as good as it used to be but, perhaps, didn't realise how much sight she has lost. She did adore Tammy and was very sorry to give her back to us. Tammy won't be with us long. I had three enquires after her today. Across from her is Mimi plus 1 who came in yesterday with her boyfriend Rara. Pretty silly name for an entire male, semi feral cat. Perhaps we could say that it is his nick name and that his real name is Rory.(We might spell it fancier. . . . Roreigh). Mimi seems friendly enough. The kitten is very skitty. Angelique and Ashleigh were moved to below where Lillie used to be. In Lillie's condo is Luna and her three kittens one of whom LOVES food.
A second before I took this photo he was spreadeagled across the double bowl with his face in the wet food. Luna couldn't get any of it. He still had food on his tummy (for later).
His siblings were happily playing in the bed, not the slightest bit interested in the food. They are only distinguished by the shape of the white line on their noses.

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