Thursday, October 15, 2020

Hair in the air

Tammy 6 has been adopted. A couple came from Parramatta and fell in love. Let us hope that Tammy does not equal Lil's record of adopters. Vinnie is almost ready to go. We are just waiting on his medical history. . . those hips. A couple came this afternoon and would have taken him if he was ready. They have a 6 month old girl kitten. He would love having a little sister to boss him around. They didn't know the word "sooky". They will if they adopt him. Rara has gone to be desexed.
His girlfriend Mimi is quite friendly but growls when you pat her, in a friendly way. Or perhaps she is growling at Billie who thinks any attention to his neighbour should mean more food for him.
Their kitten is quite shy but is settling down.
Below them is Gracie who may be pregnant.
I moved Angelique into a wheely cage (which came with Ebony). She didn't like it much at first but chasing a ping pong ball helped.
Patchy's kittens are Tippy (spot on tail) and Spotty (spot on nose) and PJ (dark = tortie). Hard to tell which is dirt on nose or a spot. And the one with the spot under the nose has a spot on his/her leg. So I think that one is Spotty. But the truth will be told by the tail.
Get your cuddles in with Steph's cats. She may have a home to move them to soon. They are shedding and love to share their hair.

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