Wednesday, October 28, 2020

A duet

This afternoon Billy and Mimi were singing a duet. Billy was calling for food. And Mimi was chiripping for a mate. Poor Mimi is in heat. Rara has been desexed. Gracie below her is about to give birth and the cat next door calls out loud. Little Mbrow/Mbro just looks confused and worried. We have some lovely, newly surrendered, mature male cats. Ollie loves to be brushed. And he is shedding pounds of fur. He is the colour of Peanut when he arrived. With time, he will clean himself up to a white cat with tabby markings.
Below him is Felix. They are from the same area but we don't know if they are friends. Felix loves to have his tummy tickled. I thought I was very brave to try it. But I saw Tim tickling his tum.
And Charlie is a love. He was surrendered by his family because there was a problem with the children. We will find him a much better home.
Ebony was up and about today. She is so handsome.
Star's kittens are beginning to separate themselves from the kitten blob. The two fluffy black ones came first.
Patchy and her kittens have settled into Quarrantine Qorner.
I was spied on by two kittens as I sat at the desk during the afternoon.
The only visitor I had today was the woman who adopted Tam back in June. She brought a corrugated cardboard couch that he rejected. He has also distained to use the stratchy pole she bought. He is faithful to sharpening his claws on carpet. . . . . any, and all, carpet. Nevertheless, she loves him and he loves her. He is smoochy, devoted, faithful, . . . . perfect.

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