Friday, October 9, 2020

Good bye Lillie

Lillie and Toby's previous owner who had to surrender them because they sold their house, came today to make arrangements for them. Lillie is to go to one friend's home and Toby to another's. Toby is still at the vets for further investigation. He either has a thyroid problem or a liver problem. We hope it is the former. The owner will pick him up from the vet to take him to his new home. Lillie will be picked up tomorrow.
Angelique and Ashleigh are back from being desexed. Ashleigh has retreated to her carrier and Angelique seemed a little disorented by her collar.
Everything was neat and clean when I arrived so I tried to tidy the metal, water bowl shelf. That is a challenge. And I went off to buy some more baby cat crunchies because the huge bag hasn't been delivered yet. Lily has developed a different call. I think she is calling her kittens to come have a milk drink. Tim didn't agree. Tara looks like she is on a cruise.
As I didn't have much to do, I spent time with Steph's cats. That is never a quick cuddle. Baghera believes he is a collar and drapes himself around your neck so that he can kiss your cheek. All this while not scratching you at all. Ares likes his cuddles standing up. As does Petal. Venus would rather not, thank you.

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