Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Toby not well

Last week Toby was telling us all to give him more food and more cuddles. This week he hasn't eaten anything for three days despite being offered freshly opened exotic cans and even warmed up delicious bits. I don't think he has Angelique's bug. . . it should be long gone. But he is depressed. Notice his downturned whiskers even when he was let out for a stroll. He will go to the vet tomorrow.
Lillie hadn't eaten all her crunchies by lunch time but she grazes through the afternoon usually.
Ashleigh and Angelique will go to the vet tomorrow too -- to be desexed.
Lily's kittens are big enough to be desexed but there may be suspicious lesions on an ear so they are confined to condos. She needs more food before she can be desexed, she says.
There is a new mum and 2 kittens next to Star. She was nameless until Alison came up with the name Elona. It is from the latest Sherlock Holmes show, it seems. I took a "thrust in the camera and press the shutter" photo just for the record. Her kittens are probably all black.

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