Sunday, September 11, 2022

Adoption Tails: Chloe

 1 day: So far so good. She made a little area for Chloe in her bedroom and she fell fast asleep there last night and then woke up meowing pretty early and was fairly energetic. She then popped Chloe in the litter tray which is next to her bed and she went straight away. She’s been pretty quiet today though and hasn’t touched her food but had a little drink. Her owner is working from home in the other room and comes back in to check on her now and then. She’ll give her a quick pat which she seems to love and then leaves her to settle. She’s still undecided about renaming her, but something might click in the next few days.

Chloe 2 days

 2 days: She definitely moves around a lot more at night. She used the litter tray by herself when her owner went to bed. She only eats when her owner pets her - she thinks Chloe feels more comfortable this way.1 week: She’s very good! Definitely starting to move around more. She has started wandering over to the other door that leads into the main room but her owner is hesitant to let her in there just yet as it is quite large. She has been renamed Cleo.
Chloe 1 month

1 month: Cleo is like a new cat. She’s been out and about exploring the next room and now sits with her owner on the sofa. She loves to play with her toys and runs around with them for hours. She has been introduced to a few people and is gradually coming out to see them. Her owner hasn’t tried to trim her nails but thinks she will be completely fine. She hasn’t really touched the scratching post so her owner might try and move it to a different spot.

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