Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Adoption Tails: Couch potatoes Bean and RIcki

 Bean1 day: The owner will keep Bean's name and he is settling in as well as can be expected. He is eating and drinking - good news. He has found a little cubby hole that he feels safe in. Bean is still using the carrier borrowed from SAFE. The owners will be patient and let Bean go at his own pace.
no 1 week response

 1 month: Bean has changed and become a really playful and loving pet. The owner's wife ADORES him. He is a very happy cat. Bean now lets nearly everybody in the family pat him and get up close. He does have "a moment" or two, every now and then. The owners could not be happier with him.



Ricki day 1
1 day: Ricki is doing very well. She got used to everything very quickly and already feels at home. They are going to keep her name. She lets them pet and touch her. She hangs out in the living room most of the time rather than in her safe room.

Ricki day 1
1 week: She is very much feeling at home. She has some scratchers but chooses to use the sofa so she’s working on fixing that with her owner.1 month: She knows how to use the scratcher now and fits really well into the family.

Ricki 1 month


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