Friday, September 16, 2022

Adoptees picked up

 Lucy and Eric were taken home from boarding where they have been for a week since being adopted. They didn't want to go into the carrier. As soon as I got one in and turned to get the other, out the first one would pop. Eventually I had the owner hold the carrier on its end to keep the first one in and tipped the second one onto top of her. Inelegant but effective.

We had Katie's cats as guests today. As soon as Suki started screaming for lunch Tim took them home to Katie's. Five cats each in a separate carrier just fitted into Tim's car and he was serenaded all the way to their home.

Gulia, a regular Friday morning vollie, spends at least half an hour at the end of her shift with Honey. Today Honey touched paws with her. Giulia would love to adopt her but a flatmate is allergic to cats.

Honey loves Giulia

Hana loves chicken. She came out of her carrier to ask for more.

Pluto, Star's last kitten has been desexed. She is very skinny and has Star's rumbly purr.


Geoff came late to work on the moveable play place. I convinced Rosanna that it could live against the wall in the main room with the shelves perpendicular to the wall instead of against it. (As Sandy and I agreed 2 years ago was a better placement of the shelves.) 

He has repaired the giant play place scratchy pole. It just needs a bit of sewing which I will do. . . . next week.

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