Friday, September 2, 2022

Second helpings of chicken

 I took more chicken to Safe Haven this afternoon. The cats all swore it was the first helping they had had (from me) for weeks. True enough. I wasn't there last Friday and Sandy handed it out on Wednesday. I was so busy with the chicken I forgot to take any photos.

Joy will be on duty tomorrow morning so I hope that she will take lots for us.

Geoff has devised a moveable, play space that can be pushed against the Cat Palace condos so that the doors can be opened and the cat can come out to stretch their legs. It doesn't quite have a top yet. He is working on that with the structure pushed against Baby's condo. (There is nobody below her as Cyber and Sammy are still in the play place). Baby graciously supervised him. She offered no criticism and didn't try to test anything out until it was all perfectly finished. Max, next door, would not have been so cooperative!

For some unknown reason, Mia was in a cranky mood again today. Tim says that she let him pat her at breakfast time but she spat at the vollies. She enjoyed her chicken without any spits too. I think she is just extra smart.

Maggie was desexed today. She survived the procedure despite the heart murmur. Let us hope she recovers without any issues and that the family who adopted her brother Bart still wants her. Star
was also desexed but her last kitten wasn't well enough to go.

Because I have to add a photo, here is the dog next door that I knitted for their grandbaby.

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