Friday, September 23, 2022

The portable play place

 It now has a framed top (rather than a bit of netting to throw over the top with lots of gaps for clever cats to crawl through.) Geoff tried it out on the AWL condos as well as the Palace condos.

Duke looks like he wants out

Dora and Diego love it

Rosie and Callie were amused

I managed to install the new play place, named Top Cat, single-handedly. Swinging the top frame (which makes a roof for the enclosure) is a bit of a trick because the hinges are double hinged. (Who Knew!) So if you push the top frame up a bit and notice that the hinges are pointing to the ceiling, just nudge them down. That will give you the necessary ceiling clearance. This needs to be done when Top Cat is perpendicular to the condos otherwise there is not enough room to swing up the top frame. Geoff has also installed a solid hinged section on the outer edge of the top frame that reaches to the top of the upper condo when you want to let out a top cat into the Top Cat. He was organising a nifty securing mechanism for that section this afternoon.

Yesterday the family with twins who came on Wednesday looking for a pair of cats came back and adopted Truffles! That poor cat is going to be pulled in three ways. And she will love every minute of it. Perhaps it was dad who said "one cat at a time". It is a pity for our pairs.

Opie was enchanted by the prospect of chicken. I think he is rubbing his nose between his wires. Each side looks a little bloody.

Thank you Gulia for giving Kit Kat's condo a thorough scrub today. He was pleased to see me (or the chicken).

As was Ziggy who even came out of his hiding box when he heard the chicken commotion from Kitty above. He went back into his hole as soon as he had gobbled it up.


A woman came to do the paperwork to adopt Scotch. She was delighted when I said she could go pick him up from the foster home. She thought she would have to wait until the council did the paperwork! Heavens, we would never get any cats adopted if that was the case.

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