Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Adoptions picking up

The excellent news over the weekend is that there were adoptions:

Rhapsody. . . . no surprise there.

Beauty . . . . . you little beaut!

Sarah  . . .  hallelujah!! 

Maggie has moved into Rhapsody's stand alone

Truffle is where Beauty was. I straightened out her hammocks and covered the nasty wire shelves and she was much happier. Robyn gave her some toys and she played.

And Star is where Sarah was. Out of Incoming at last. Her last kitten, Pluto, is still there though. She is in Syd's condo. He has gone to a foster home! Nancy is still with us.

And then a man come in looking for a pair of cats. Did he come to the right place! I showed him them all and he decided that he needed Princess and Precious because they are pet names at his place. I had a terrible time getting the computer to behave when adopting a pair of cats and buying miscellaneous mercandise. Poor Tim will have to sort it out tomorrow. But the buyer was very patient with my ineptitude. He was even more patient when Princess took off when I tried to put her into a carrier. She jumped off the back of my right hand with her back leg and took some of my skin with her. Of course, I dripped blood all over the place. Catsie had to use all her St John's skills to bandage me. Eventually we got her into a carrier. (Precious was no problem at all). The patient new owner happily took them both off. 

I had a cuddle with Maggie.

Robyn had a cuddle with Ginger Megs.
Ginger Megs and Robyn

Geoff came to measure the movable play place for a flip up top. I am told that Sootie had a lovely play in it over the weekend. Sammy and Cypher gave themselves a fright this afternoon and went back into their condo.


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