Sunday, September 4, 2022

Adoption Tails: Diego

 1 day (03/08/22): He hides under a couch most of the time, but she managed to get him to play a little with her while he was under it. He was very active at night. He hasn't used the litter tray yet, but he did go into it as some pellets were on the floor this morning. He ate last night when she went to bed and had a drink of water. Nothing yet today, but he isn't as anxious today as his eyes are no longer big and black. She will not be renaming him as she thinks Diego suits him just fine. She got Amazon delivery of play toys for him.

1 week (09/08/22): She just talked to Chris at Mona Vale vet about him, as she dropped off a carrier she borrowed to get him home. He had one mishap of him peeing on the bed, but he has used his litter tray every other time. He eats everything she gives him and is taking a treat from her hand. He is still under the couch most of the time but comes out while she is up to look around. Today was the first morning he has come out of hiding, but he generally goes back pretty quickly. He has found a windowsill he likes to sit on and watch the world around him. He likes the window as he can see all the comings and goings in the apartment complex.
1 month (02/09/2022): He only hides if something scares him. He still won’t let his owner touch him. If she is not in the room, he will come looking for her. He loves playing with 2 little mice that are stuffed with catnip. He has to know what is happening all the time by sitting on the windowsill looking at what the neighbours are doing. “He gets better bit by bit every day”. He has already been registered with the council.


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