Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Empty boarding row

 Look at that! Completely empty after Wal-E went home today. All ready and waiting for the deluge (20 bookings) for the coming holidays. What a good thing, for me, the folk didn't realise that tomorrow is a public holiday and extend their vacation by two days. (They probably were not able to change their bookings!)

 After I finished feeding the Incoming cats their breakfast I went out back to find Cyber on top of the play place crying to be helped down. I thought I had put the clip on their condo after I fed them but can't have done it right. Where was Sammy? Not down the corridor, thank goodness, not under the merchandise shelves, not on top of the condos. Eventually I found him under the dirty washing tub shelf. . . . close to the food, of course. As I had helped Cyber down into the play place, I enticed Sammy with some food, picked him up and put him in there too. Too much excitement before 9am!

Star and Truffles had a turn in the play place too. Geoff has fixed the giant scratchy pole which Star really appreciated.



 There were three sets of visitors this afternoon, all female. The first older woman came to look at a replacement for her British shorthair who died a year ago. She wants somebody who will not sit on her too much because she has a bad back. A very experienced owner, she rather liked Duke. . . . what's not to like! She will come back in a few days when she gets back from babysitting.

Prue helping the new vollie by holding Duke

Then a young woman came looking for a friend for her 12 month old boy cat. She did fancy Pearl who is a loving armful now that she has got over the indignity of being surrendered. She needs to talk to her partner.


Then a mum came in with her 3 daughters including twins who want a cat each. It was nice to be able to show the pairs. They had a good cuddle with Linda but Yoko didn't play nice. They will be back. The younger daughter liked Pluto but she doesn't sound at all well. . . . she gasps when she purrs. And Truffles loved the girls.

Cleo is getting that  exhausted new mum look and eats everything given to her.
Cleo plus 4


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