Saturday, December 10, 2022

Ginger cats Adoption Tails: Duke and Lobster


1 day: Duke is doing very well, having eaten almost as soon as he was inside his safe room in his new home. He has used the litter tray and LOVES his food.

1 week: Duke is going very well and is trying to make friends with Shadow (cat adopted from SAFE last year).
Duke and Shadow
1 month: Duke is doing really well and has integrated into the family very well. He and Shadow groom each other and watch the rest of the family eat dinner.

Duke love


1 day: Lobster is well and has settled right in, having been eating and drinking. He is still called Lobster at this point.1 week: Lobster is exploring everywhere and surprisingly gentle when playing. He hangs out with everybody in the family and is settling in very well.

1 month: Lobster is in great form. Not only is he great with everybody in the family, he has become good friends with the chickens too. He has also taken to the academic side of life in sharing the burden of his owner's work.
Lobster helps

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