Cheena and Bubbles
1 day: They’re settling in very well. They’ve both been coming out of their hidey hole to explore their safe room, play and eat/drink. They’ve definitely stepped into the litter tray but haven’t used it yet.
Cheena and Bubbles 1 week
1 week: They’ve been renamed Vera and Olive. They were interested in exploring the house a few days ago, but they were getting really scared if their owners would move or walk past them. They’re going to keep them in their safe room until they’re less scared of their owners. They seem to be gradually getting less scared. They stretch out in their beds when their owners are in the room with them, purring and sniffing the food they gave them. They’re still eating well and are using the litter and their owner thinks they’re feeling safer by the day. They’re warming up to the house but are still wary of their owners. In the evening, Vera (formerly Cheena) let them feed her treats and she nuzzled her head into their partner’s hand. Both cats ate in front of them which they hadn’t done before.
Vera, 1 week
1 month: They’ve seen a lot of changes. They’re both doing very well and seem much more comfortable around their owners. They tend to watch them warily when their owners walk around, but both come close when they’re sitting and relaxing. They’ve slowly moved the litter box to the bathroom and they haven’t had any issues. Olive is still wary when her owners are nearby, but she’s slowly getting braver. She doesn’t really like to be touched, but she starts relaxing and purring after a few gentle strokes. They’ve been exploring every room for a few weeks. They even snuck into the bedroom closet and started bumping around when their owners were asleep. They both seem really happy, and they’re very playful with each other at night and when their owners are around.
The follow ups weren't put into the tasks so we didn't do the normal 1 day and 1 week follow ups
Dibbles, 2 months
2 weeks: He is definitely settling in well. He loves exploring and climbing and is getting more courage to explore outside his safe room. They’re keeping his name.1 month: He is out and exploring. He went to the vet for some antibiotics and antiseptic treatment but his behaviour was unaffected.2 months: Dibbles is fully settled in at home. |
Dibbles |
1 day: Eric is lovely. So friendly! He’s using his litter tray, eating and drinking. They will keep his name. He is being kept separate from the resident cat and will be slowly introduced. “He’s the absolute best.”
Eric 1 day
1 week: Eric is doing very well. He has started to explore the apartment. They think he is settling in very nicely. “He is the best. We cuddle every night.” |
Eric 1 week
1 month: Everything is going really well. “He is an absolute sweetheart” |
Eric, 1 month
1 day: She is still hiding in the carrier during the day but ate all the food left in the bowl last night. She escaped from her safe area overnight and was quite stressed out from that. They are keeping her name. She left the carrier in the evening to sit in her new bed.
Lucy 1 day
2 days: Lucy went back to her carrier and has been staying there. She ate all of her dry food and used her litter box.1 week: Her owners bought a playpen and think she’s adjusting well. |
Lucy 1 week
1 month: (No response)
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