Thursday, December 15, 2022

No prize for guessing. . .

. . . .  which of the Abba kittens got adopted first! They were posted on Wednesday. I was surprised that they were all still there for a pair of Chinese women to choose one this afternoon. The women played with the kittens for ages while I organised the bucket full of food sachets that Catsie magic-ed out of Pet-O. I think the treats bin will have to be moved to the shelf in the main cat room. It has been pushed onto the dish shelf. Plus we are expecting another Purina delivery before Christmas. Where will that go?

Eventually, the grey kitten, Cosmo, was chosen. One of the women went home to Artarmon to pick up the carry cage. I did the adoption while Ginger George wandered around our feet being charming. (Don't know why she didn't change her mind.) But she took in a kitten from the street 20 years ago when she was first a student here in Sydney. It lived to be 17 years old with a 16 year old chihahuahua. They were both taken home to Hong Kong. She is now back in Sydney with a 6 year old daughter and has been watching our website for months until the Abba kittens popped up. The daughter will have such a happy Christmas.

Cosmo and siblings

I distributed bits of chicken and the very last condo was a surprise. It houses a British Shorthair who was surrendered because he was peeing in the wrong places and was trying to dominate the teenaged son of the family. . . . . . the Battle of the Smelly. (I will try to take a photo next week and note his name). He is grey.

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