Thursday, December 1, 2022

I done it

 I stole what was left of the bar of soap from the lady's loo downstairs. When I arrived the washer-upper was struggling with half a sink full of bubbles and no water. My solution is to "wash your hands" with a bar of soap in the bubbles. They all burst and wash down the sink quite quickly. I promise I will buy another bar of soap for the downstairs Ladies. (We stashed what is left of the bar of soap with the syringe bodies behind the bleach spray bottle).

I got my Tabbys and Tibbys confused.

This is Tabby, the wonky one, who loves to run: 

Tibby is the quieter upstairs one. She rather likes a scrunch on the back of her neck and to play in a large plastic bag.

Continuing the theme of the double letters in names:

Libby has come out of her carrier. She is around 14 years old. Don't know her history except that she was surrendered. She seems very sweet. And likes chicken. She is above Ginger (George) who loves to stroll around the cattery in the afternoon, demanding attention, stealing dropped crunchies from under Opie's stand alone and generally being charming.

Meggsie has been to the vet to have a lump cut from his neck. . .. and several teeth removed. It has made him rotate by 90 degrees. And look! a clean blankie!

There is another friendly surrender in Incoming. She came from the home of a lady who died and the family wasn't around to take care of the cat promptly. So she was taken by a neighbour to be bait for his dog!!! Luckily she was rescued. When she, Chikka came to us she had a "beware of the cat" sign. But this afternoon she was as sweet as she could be. (Chicken magic!)

And then there is Sunny who has boarded with us before. She never likes the settling in process and grumbles for a few days. This time she, if she only knew it, has something to grumble about. Her people have gone home.. . overseas. She is to follow them in a fortnight. . . . on an airplane. I imagine that the passengers on that plane will worry about a strange noise coming from the pressurized cargo hold/starboard engine.


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