Sunday, December 11, 2022

Adoption Tails: Kit Kat and Sampson, Luigi

 No new photos with these cats, unfortunately.

Kit Kat and Sampson

1 day: Both Sampson and KitKat have eaten - particularly Sampson who wasted no time once the owners left the room! They have both used the litterbox for a pee but other than that, the owners have not seen or heard them as they both still in hiding. The owners think they will be keeping both names. KitKat has not eaten the dried food so far so they may have to try a different brand.

Kit Kat

 1 week: Sampson is still scared when the owners enter the room but eats well and plays with his toys at night when all is quiet. Sometimes the owners notice his big yellow eyes glaring at them from the box that has been claimed as his favourite place when food is brought to him. 
KitKat also eats well and has now started to come out. He will sit at a distance and look at the owners when they enter the room. He goes crazy playing at night that the owners could swear he had friends in the room with the amount of banging. His things are also everywhere in the morning.

 1 month: KitKat has settled in very well and was able to venture out of his room just 2 days ago. He eats like a vacuum! Sampson is still very scared and hides when anybody enters his room but he is a little more confident with the child who does the feeding - allowing her to give a little rub on the cheek. The family is very understanding of Sampson's need for more time given his deep mistrust of humans.



1 day: Luigi spent the night in the bar (his own special room!) and had a wander around the house this morning under the owner's supervision. He was quite keen to rub himself on her legs! Luigi has not had much food and the owner is not sure if it is because he does not like when she is giving him but will take the food trialling slowly.

1 week: Luigi has been doing crosswords on the bed with his owner. He now sleeps at night on her bed and loves his food which was a relief for the owner as he was quite disinterested in the beginning. Luigi also loves sitting on window ledges and looking at the neighbours!1 month: Luigi has settled in and taken over the house! He had a trip to the vet with an upset stomach and had an injection (got his toenails trimmed while he was there). He also has an upcoming appointment to get his teeth looked at but they are OK at the moment. Luigi is a thoroughly spoilt cat! 

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