Friday, December 23, 2022

Tabby Adoption Tails: Mia, Finn, Coffee, JJ


1 day: Mia is doing quite okay. She settled in after a couple of hours pretty easily. She is doing fine and will be keeping her name. She was exploring her room in a matter of hours, sometimes meowing and requesting attention and pats.

1 week: The owners have brought into Mia's room a few soft items but she does not seem very interested. They were wondering if they should leave her a light on at night so it is not pitch black and if she gets bored/lonely at night. Mia has not done anything mischievous at night so they think she is probably ok. She has started to explore one other room right next to her safe room and likes to sleep on the couch. Sometimes Mia will run back while exploring outside her room. The owners have noticed that whenever she meows, Mia usually wants treats or to sit on somebody's lap.1 month: Mia has been very sweet. She makes great company and is a huge lap cat.
Mia = lap cat


1 day: Finn is doing amazing, the owner has him in just one room for now. After a few days, she has started to slowly introduce her other cats to Finn and they are actually all doing quite well. Finn is so friendly and kind.


1 week: Finn is doing very well, currently sitting on the owner's friend's lap. The resident cats have adjusted to Finn's presence where Jiji (the oldest) is beginning to see Finn as a little brother. Jiji is fine with Finn, even playing together if Finn's initiation to play is accepted. Jiji does not hiss nor try to swat him. Anubis (other resident cat) only hisses occasionally now and is adjusting to Finn and being around each other without complaining. Finn is doing well and loves to steal food off the owner's plate so that he can play with it. "He is such a beautiful, loving and amazing cat."

Finn lap cat

 1 month: no response


1 day: Coffee is doing quite well at adapting to a new environment. He is eating and drinking well. Earlier in the morning, he was happy to cuddle with James (the son) and eager to step out of the room. He is quite curious about what goes on downstairs but will take more time before taking his first steps down. Currently, Coffee is only on short exploration visits to outside his room. The parents would prefer to keep Coffee's name while James may have his own idea.

Coffee curious
5 days: Coffee still has a bit of a stuffy nose these days and the owners can hear him snoring with some funny sounds. That aside, he eats well and plays well with the occasional sneeze. He runs around like a pony and always tries to climb up to their shoulders, the owners are adjusting to this new bonding fashion. He purrs a lot and sometimes has to be kicked out of the bedroom because it is so loud that they can't sleep.1 week: Coffee has been to every corner of the house and has thoroughly inspected every inch he could get to. He has been sleeping on every bed but his favourite spot is on the sofa for a nap or sleeping through the whole night. His congestion has been mostly fine other than 2 times when he sneezed and a bit of brown nasal discharge came out. Overall, he is such a lovely boy and is always keen to follow and watch whatever the owners are doing. He is not even shy to strangers when they had visitors over, even with young naughty boys running and yelling! He even runs to the door bell when they have visitors, acting just like a dog!
Coffee comfy
1 month: Coffee has been such a playful, curious and affectionate kitten like always. He is lovely, loves being accompanied and has never been naughty. He is now 3.2kg and in good health despite the occasional sneeze with a bit of mucus.

JJ, now Cleo

1 day: Little JJ is fine, except that she has pooped everywhere. She is currently in a crate with big sheet covering it with just one side open and is eating and drinking just fine.1 week: JJ is now called Cleo and she is doing really well! She has not pooped everywhere but the owners have found a couple outside the litterbox so they think Cleo must've flung them out on her way out of the litterbox. She is now spending more time wandering around the room than just in the crate she was initially set up with though she still sleeps in it overnight. The family will keep her inside the room for about another week or so before introducing her to the rest of the house as well as planning on how to introduce Cleo to their dog. The family loves her so much already!

JJ/Cleo cuddle
1 month: Cleo is just beautiful and the whole family ADORE her so much! She has made friends with Lexi (the dog) who will even show Cleo her tummy. Lexi was initially terrified and the family had to work on the two meeting and playing really slowly. Cleo was never bothered - she's brave! Now Lexi has got her head around Cleo's way of playing and their relationship is much better. Cleo often tries to snuggle up but Lexi can get unnerved and run away. Cleo is really happy and the family feel like their lives are whole again. They love cats and Cleo is perfect!
JJ/Cleo and friend

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