Thursday, December 22, 2022

Such nice customers

 Christmas brings out the best in folk. . . and brings them in flocks to Safe Haven! 

There was a stream of folk bringing in their cats to board. Sixteen condos were occupied with boarders this afternoon. Some have more than one cat in them. Madeline is back. She was immediately relaxed. Her people were happy to leave her with us.

The afternoon was crowded with morning vollies lingering to cuddle cats. Ginger George took advantage of any pats that were passing. But don't accept his offer to stroke his tummy even though he does roll over to display its delicious gingerness. New vollies need to be told to confine their caresses to above the shoulders of the vast majority of cats.

We had adoptions. One woman came to do the paperwork for two kittens in foster. She kept writing reminders for herself on her phone. Vander and Hercules will be well organised cats.

Penwing went home with the family who adopted JJ whom they adore. They have changed her name to Cleo but might change it to Alley (after hearing their history) to go with Penwing whose name will be changed to (Christmas) Angel.

And four lots of folk came to look at the cats. They take as long as the adoptions, if not longer because they linger. One woman who was brought in by her friend (male: always has had German Shepherds). She kept flooding with tears. Amber was a spouting spot.

And Feli (Felicies . . . perhaps as in Felix Navidad?) loved her on sight. More sobs. They went away to think about it.
A mum and her daughter had chosen Freya from the website. She behaved beautifully. They went home to talk dad into a kitten to go with their older cat, dog and horse! Freya's brother Earl had lots of attention from another couple who didn't make a rash decision. If they think too long he may be gone.
Freya and Earl keen to go
At 4pm another family arrived looking for kittens. Luckily I was up to my ears in dinner and chicken so Tim dealt with them. I had help with the dinners from Joy and Vi who came back to the site of the dreaded denture demise to cuddle the odd kitten (and pay for the stuff that I couldn't get the Square to charge on Wednesday.) One of Jasmine's kittens keeps on changing what he wants to eat. He regularly rejects Baby Cat pate! an unusual kitten.

Vi with a full smile

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