Monday, May 29, 2023

Adoption Tails: C Kittens -- Claudia, Cordelia,

 Chia, previously Claudia

1 day: Claudia has been renamed to Chia. She spent some time initially hiding under the bed but after a few hours during the evening, she was an absolute playful darling. She ate all her meals, drank some water and di her wee. "Chia is such an adorable kitty, we just love her."1 week: Chia is doing fine so far. A little slow with exploring.

 1 month: Chia is doing absolutely well. Just a couple of times, she vomited last week and the owners assume it was hair ball (looked like tubular excretion with some dry food). They are keeping an eye out if it continues to happen.

Socks, previously Cordelia

1 day: Cordelia is settling in very well. She has been eating, drinking and using her litter tray. The family will probably call her Socks, although they have yet to take a final family vote. She was left alone in her safe room and was settled in within 15 minutes. They discovered she has a good set of lungs and vocal chords at 3:30am this morning, up until which her meows were quite muted. "she's a confident, fearless and active explorer" She has just curled up in the owner's lap after chasing a belled ball and dust mite/seemingly invisible insect like a crazy kitten. "We're off to a great start!"

1 week: Socks has explored the whole house with confidence and made friends with the cavoodle. She has also met Tilly the resident cat. there is a bit of hissing they come within 50cm of each other but they can voluntarily be in the same room and Tilly will eventually nap in her usual spot on the couch after a lot of quiet observation of Socks' crazy activity. Socks is full of kitten energy, purrs and cuddles. She has been amazing!1 month: Socks is now registered at the council. She has been amazing with the whole family (sons and cavoodle included). She is very affectionate and loves sitting on a lap when she's used all her energy exploring and chasing "goodness knows what". The relationship between Socks and Tilly (resident cat) is still developing, they nose touch hello but still hiss occasionally. Tilly has tried to join in on some crazy kitten play in the evenings. When all is quite, they can be found quite close to each other. 
Socks close to Tilly
The family is concerned to whether Socks can hear anything. When she's asleep, she never wakes when they come home (her room is next to the door, off the main living room and has a window along the carport) or into the same room. The owner can tap on the window and Socks does not seem to stir nor does she respond to loud noises (clapping, dropping keys, clattering tongs on a bench top etc). They are interested to know if this is a reasonable concern but do not mind either way but would be good to know so that they always keep her indoors (more challenging during the summer months).

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