Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Still no new bins

 And, the garbos came early! Must be a new crew because as well as being early, they were extra neat. But it means that the bins are already full of yesterday's bags and we will have to all take home a bag or the balcony will be overfilled by next week.

There were adoptions so we had condos to sterilize and cats to move.

Another Stones kitten, Mick, was adopted so only Jagger and Ronnie were left on the play place. They moved into where Rajah and Genie were as they were adopted separately over the weekend. Virgo and her 6 kittens moved into the play place. The kittens had a marvelous time running, jumping, climbing. They will sleep soundly tonight. Virgo found a nice corner to lie in and was quiet for the first time ever.

Marmalade and Duchess were also adopted yesterday. Their condo is now occupied by Narnia and Angel from Quarantine. Cammie had some trouble to get them to go into a carrier and ended up just picking them up and carrying them there. We did the same thing for Jagger and Ronnie. Big kittens are more tractable than adult cats!

Narnia and Angel

Cammy thought it would be a good idea to let out McQueen and Donatella. Previously McQueen played around outside and Donatella stayed in the stand alone. This afternoon she came out to play and had such a good time that she didn't want to go back into the stand alone. Ginger George played ball with them.
Tiger supervised the play
On the other side of the Top Cat barrier, Simon and Maxwell played separately (as long as there was somebody to twitch the toy.) Later Aslan came out, climbed over the Top Cat and settled back to groom himself. When I lifted him back into his condo, he felt damp.

There is a new kitten in Incoming called Roger. He is a mess.
but cute, Roger

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