Monday, May 22, 2023

Adoption Tails: Baloo, Fudge, Meggsy, Dora


Baloo, 2 weeks
1 day: Baloo was anxious for the first 30-40 minutes. Within 1.5 hours, he had eaten, drunk and used the litter box. Last night, he was purring and nudging his owners. When they come into his safe room, he follows them and wants to play. He has a big window in his safe room and is in heaven watching birds during the day. They have given him dry food, wet food, and squeezy treat pouches and he’s eaten everything. Their house is usually very quiet but there was construction this morning which Baloo ignored. He purred this morning.    The owner’s previous cats passed away at 19 years old, and they had them for about 3 years. They were high maintenance and had hyperthyroidism so they were ready to adapt with Baloo but he’s been doing really well. They’ve been looking for any signs of inappropriate toileting but he’s been perfect so far. He hasn’t had any accidents and has used the litter tray multiple times.    His owners are really happy with him and said he’s a goofball. Someone is almost always home but they experimented with him being home alone to see how he would cope. They left him for about 30 minutes. When they came back, he was very calm and met them at the door for cuddles. They’ll be keeping his name and have already started nicknaming him. One of his nicknames is 007 which comes from his golden eyes.2 weeks: Baloo is still doing great. He’s eating, sleeping and toileting well and normally. He’s just started to sleep on their laps. “Zoomies and pouncing twice a day, snoozing and pats at all other hours.”

Baloo, 2 weeks
1month: no response.


1 day: He spent half a day under the bed and is now coming out and starting to play. He was silent all of day 1 and has now found his voice and is chirpy. He’s been eating and using the litter tray with no problems. He’s starting to explore the house a bit too. The owner’s kids have renamed him Goose.3 days: He has been kept separate from their resident cat. Their resident cat has been very good and is more curious than anything.
“Cat politics and how the hell do I work?”

1 week: Goose and their resident cat are going well. They often chase each other around but have no hissing, growling, puffed up tailed or anything. Goose is perfectly house-trained and has had no accidents or spraying. They will be letting him outside later this week under strict supervision. They have gotten him a flea collar and a nameplate with their contact number on it. They have a big garden and are on a dead-end street.

1 month: Goose has settled in very well. He’s slowly exploring outside and doesn’t stray far from the door so his owners are very happy. “He is wonderful”.

1 month


Irene sent in some foster news:

Dora cuddled up to her new friend happily settled in her new home.

Meggsy with his friends in foster care (hoping for a foster fail)

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