Monday, May 29, 2023

Adoption Tails: Chikka, Oreo, Duchess


Chikka at Safe

1 day
: Chikka is wonderful. The owner does not believe she has used the litterbox yet. There is lots of water and 2 litter trays set up. She has also added some water to the wet food. Chikka slept on the lounge last night and did not come near her although the door was left open. The owner was planning on blocking off access to the first floor balcony so that Chikka cannot jump down. She has now retracted her ideas given Chikka's large amount of white (especially on her nose and ears) that increases likelihood of developing skin cancer so she will remain an indoor cat as far as her new family is concerned.1 week: Chikka is an adorable cat, settled within a few hours. The owner is adhering to the diet as recommended and Chikka has no complaints.1 month: Chikka is very happy. The owner is having her claws cut by the Greencross vets close by and will get her weighed and then monitor her weight from now on. Chikka is sticking to her diet and finds it is quite enough

Artie, previously Oreo

1 day: The daughter has decided Oreo needed a more "dignified" name so the family is trying out Arty/Artie (short for Artemis). They will keep us updated on the name. Everything is going well. Arty seems happy, eating well and located the litter tray successfully! He is very playful and keen to explore. They are following the guidance for introducing him to the family dog so at the moment, the two are separated which is not popular with either of them - Arty wants to get out his room and explore all the time and when he meows, the dog gets very excited. The family will carry on the slow introduction and think it will be fine eventually, once the novelty wears off for the doggo. Arty does not seem one bit worried about the dog.

Artie, aka Oreo

 1 week: Artie seems very settled, really friendly and exploring the house when he gets the chance. Unfortunately, the family dog is not taking this well, the family is persisting with the distanced introductions for a few minutes 2-3 times a day. There is possibly some improvement, the dog has come down from complete crazy to whining and pulling on lead. Artie is fairly unbothered by it all and watches from somewhere at a distance. The family lets Artie have free run of the house when the dog is out walking and he has his own room with the door shut.

1 month: Everything is going well. There is still a little chasing from the family dog but more because of wanting to play than anything aggressive. Artie holds his own and hops out of the way when he has had enough!

Angel, previously Duchess

1 day: Duchess has been renamed to Angel. She's a beautiful girl. She spent the first 2 hours or so hiding but came out to explore pretty soon after this. She's been eating, drinking and using the litter tray. At night, she spent some time by the windowsill. Angel is very calm, not a troublemaker, and the owners adore her!

Angel = Duchess

 1 week: Angel is good, starting to be more playful and cheeky. She brings so much joy to their lives.1 month: "It's been a month since our beautiful girl appeared in our lives. We love her so much, she brings so much happiness, joy and love to our lifestyle!" The owners are very happy to have found her. Angel has settled in well, she is very cheerful and sometimes quite vocal. She is doing well in her home, very playful and loves to hunt and tear the pieces of paper the owners throw for her. She loves her food and treats and has even learnt to "sit" upon request when fed by hand. "She is definitely Mummy's girl!"
Angel on the duchess

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