Friday, May 12, 2023

Not yet

 The bins have not been delivered yet.

But this afternoon the woman who adopted Tibby and Tabby on Wednesday brought back the carrier that I loaned to transport them. ( I was not prepared for them to decide that they would put off adopting the cats because they didn't bring a carrier with them!) I, momentarily, didn't recognise her. She looked younger and happier. She said that Tibby and Tabby are still a little shy but are settling in well and are delightful.

Lola had an adventure yesterday. She has been allowed out at the end of the day to explore "Opies Room". Somehow, the Thursday person locked that door. When Geoff arrived on Thursday rather than on Friday he found Lola missing. And learned that she was locked in Opies room. So he climbed through one of the moveable tiles in the passageway ceiling, wiggled through the ceiling space, dropped down into Opies room so he could let Lola out and back to her stand alone for her dinner and medication. She is on thyroid meds which come in the form of a cream to be applied to alternate ears. I discovered this afternoon when doing the night feed, that she will only let you touch her ear if there is something particularly delicious in her dish. 

There are a new pair of cats on Better Row: Tori and Mabel. Where did they come from? Horrid photo with a flash because they hide.

Tori and Mabel
But, for some reason, Hana was out this afternoon. She needs to be brushed. That is the next big challenge!

Mothers Day was having a preview this afternoon. A father and daughter arrived to check out the cats to find one who would go with their whimpy dog. Ginger George wouldn't have any problem with a dog.

GG trying to look innocent on the filing cabinet where the treats were stashed

Then a mum with her two teenaged daughters arrived to look for a cat. They liked Ginger too. And Maeve. So tomorrow might just be busy.

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