Wednesday, May 10, 2023

New bins

 Tim has organised a new rubbish collection for a twice weekly pick up of the garbage: 2 bins for this. And one bin for cardboard waste. Hurrah. Except that the bins didn't arrive as promised yesterday, or today. Perhaps tomorrow!

We comforted ourselves by adopting cats.

A couple arrived at 5 to 11 to adopt Delilah who was in a foster home in Hornsby. She arrived at 5 past 11. 

Then a lady arrived to look for a cat to replace her older cat who recently died. She had picked out Libby, Ginger George and Max from the web page. She met them all but didn't click until she met Maeve who was delighted to meet somebody who was prepared to give her all the attention that she wants.

At that stage another couple (mother and daughter) arrived looking for a pair of cats. I showed them the usual suspects and they fell under the spell of Tibby and Tabby. The mum said that her daughter really needed somebody to love. Perfect! And the mum is a doctor. Perfecter! And they live in a small apartment with no stairs. Perfectest! Done deal.

Then my friend Liz arrived to get a pair of cats. She wanted somebody that she could pick up.

Ginger George likes to be picked up
But who to pair him with? After introducing her to Vivienne and Calvin, the job was done. Her grandson will be delighted. As will her husband. (Thanks for the photos Robyn).
Calvin and Vivienne
Calvin and Vivienne's stand alone was cleaned for Hank and Princess. The sign says that you can get to the litter tray through the door on the side of the stand alone. Princess just came back from the vet.

 And Chia and kittens moved into Tibby and Tabby's condo.

Meanwhile the lady who loved Maeve, moved on to Maisy and fell deeper in love with her. She will be back on Saturday to adopt her. So much for wanting an older cat! It was mutual and irresistible.

Meanwhile, in Incoming, I asked if the stand alone by the door had been cleaned this morning. Katie and Tim assured me that it was and that one of the torties there loves to play with water and flip the wet litter all over the place. What a grub. Her sisters are not impressed.

It was you

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