Friday, May 5, 2023

Picture perfect

 Barb Webster is a great fan of Deb's paintings of cats. She asked me on Thursday to take photos of the paintings that Deb delivered on Wednesday afternoon. As I was too busy/distracted to take other photos this afternoon, this is the photo element of this blog post!

If you want one, get onto it fast because Arc has contacts with galleries that may want to hang them (and they charge much more commission than we do).

Why was I busy? 

There were visitors. A couple arrived to pick up the microchip specific feeder that Cammy tested on Wednesday and found that it worked. Somebody uploaded it on Thursday to the Facebook page. And the new owner came to pick it up this afternoon. They brought with them a bed to donate. I declined the bed (Cammy will be pleased about that). And an electronic weighing device that is accurate from 200gm. That I accepted with delight. Tim won't have to schlep the Incoming cats out back to weigh them. He will have his own scales if he can only find a free, flat area to put it on (that Opie hasn't claimed as his own)! They, of course,  wanted to visit with the cats.

Then the folk who fostered Lucky boy came to visit him. (He is in Lucky girl's condo). At that time there were various other cats wandering around and they asked why Lucky boy couldn't be out too. I said that we would let him out on his own in the Top Cat later. When I went to introduce myself to him with chicken, he hissed at me. (At least he didn't spit). I think their visit upset him.

Lucky boy
Yin and Yan have gone to a foster home. As have Charlie and Champ. Their condo has been taken by a pair of cats who came from a foster home. All the family came to drop them off (including the foster puppy who will be adopted on Sunday by somebody from Mittagong). Can't remember the names of the cats. . . do you blame me?

And a couple arrived at the same time to check out our cats for a replacement of their dear boy cat. They want a girl this time and rather fancied the Stones black cats. But who can tell who is the girl and who is the boy? I don't like your chances of getting near them with a microchip reader just yet. (At least they didn't chomp on my finger at chicken time this afternoon.)

Bassuria's left eye has gone a funny colour. Chris, the vet, thinks that it might have to be removed. He was feeling better today than on Wednesday. . . . he claimed all the chicken as his. Poor Julia is back to being No 2.

Bassuria's left eye
And boarders arrived . . . . . except for Jolene who was due to come but hadn't arrived by the time I left at 4:15pm.

And Steph visited with her foster cats. (We gave her the dog bed, Cammy).

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