Friday, May 19, 2023

Bins arrived

 But only half of them: one each for paper/cardboard and general waste. Better than nothing. Where we will store all the bins is another problem to be solved.

Jasmine was adopted yesterday. But not by the mum with 2 pretty daughters. A mum with a son adopted her. So, the mum with 2 might come tomorrow to get Maeve or Ruby. Their choice will be complicated by the additional cats there are to choose from today. Who could resist:

Biscuit with that pert tongue (which pokes out because her canines have been removed).

Milo and Olga who have moved to where Charlie and Champ were. (A vollie adopted them and is very happy). Milo was out with the gang this afternoon. He is a smaller version of Simon and is very interested in food. He kept going into other people's condos looking for anything edible. Olga stayed put.
Milo and Olga
Ussie who is where Jasmine used to be. S/he is a bit wary but not hissy.

And Pearl is available. She has recovered from her initial shyness and is all over pats and attention. Unfortunately she is still out back in boarding, up in the heavenly condo. There should be some rearrangement to bring her into Welfare. (Perhaps Lucky boy can go to Better Row.)


Geoff had a shock when he arrived. Chia's kittens had eaten a hole in the cat mesh that he installed. It is supposed to be cat proof. He took lots of photos of the mended hole (I wove in cable ties to keep the kittens in), the hole with the cable ties removed, the hole with a kitten contemplating escape. He will send them to the manufactures of the "chewproof" mesh. Perhaps we will get a refund.

Geoff removes the cable ties for the photo shoot



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