Saturday, May 27, 2023

Adoption Tails: Calvin, Viv and Cornelia, Clementine, Alfredo

 Calvin, Vivienne and Cornelia

 1 day: The owner adopted Cornelia and their fiancé adopted Vivienne and Calvin. 

“I LOVE the three of them! They were super explorative last night and Cornelia came and dug under the blankets last night to sleep with us. Calvin likes sleeping under the XBox since it’s warm and he’s sleepy or on the couch next to us and Viv has been running (and I mean running) between her and I to headbutt us and kiss us for pets. They are perfect fits! We had them in their separate rooms and Viv and Cornelia were playing with each other’s paws and purring under the doors so we carefully introduced them and they get along swimmingly. We want to rename all three, but we haven’t settled on any names yet. They’ve been eating and drinking just fine, though Calvin is a little shy at the moment so when he comes to use the litter or eat we all hold completely still so as not to spook him.”They all had crazy energy tonight. When it was dark outside, Vivienne saw her reflection in the window because the blinds were up. She got all poofed up and their owners said it was hilarious. They have all been so snuggly, loving and energetic. “I can tell these three are the perfect fit for us!”2 days: When they wake up in the morning, Cornelia has been right there to greet them.5 days: “We are in LOVE with each of these cats, but we’ve run into a bit of a problem. We’ve discovered that both the owner’s fiancé and their roommate are terribly allergic to cats”. They’ve both had a cat at some point and allergies were tolerable with one. They really wanted to keep them and they’ve tried toughing it out but it’s getting worse and worse for both of them. “We can definitely make it work temporarily, we love these kitties very much!” They’re cleaning like crazy to help with the allergens, and they’ve restricted the kittens to outside of the bedrooms. They’re still eating SAFE’s allergen-reducing food and they seem to love it which makes their owners happy.8 days: It seems like their roommate in particular is getting worse. They’re having a really hard time breathing and can’t sleep because of it. They’ve been brushing them, using the allergen-reducing food, and are still restricting them to outside of the bedrooms. They have them baths with kitty anti-allergen shampoo. Cornelia has been renamed Xena and she thoroughly enjoyed the bath. The kittens are booked in for boarding so they can deep-clean and see if it helps with the allergies. “They’re very well loved, we just don’t see it getting much better unfortunately. I think adjusting to one cat over time will be much easier than three at the moment”9 days: “Calvin and Vivvi are literally so perfect, they’re such sweet, snuggly kitties”. Xena started purring when they were trying to dry her. She especially enjoyed being wrapped up in a towel and being held while she dried. “They’re so incredible! Calvin just needs a little time to warm up, and then he’s silly and extra cuddly”.

Vivienne and Calvin, 9 days

 10 days: Their allergies are unfortunately getting worse by the day.1 month: “She is absolutely perfect! Allergies are much better, and she’s such a joy! Every day when I come home from work she squeaks and bolts over to me, purring and rubbing on my legs for attention. She purrs all the time, especially when [they] wake up first thing in the morning or come home. She loves to watch TV (she sits on our laps and stares at the screen, especially for big action things like Star Wars, it’s so funny) and she’s so sweet”

Cornelia aka Zenia, 1 month
[They eventually surrendered Calvin and Vivienne back to us. We held on to them for 3 weeks because Zenia had a spot on her face that might have been ringworm. It wasn't so C & V were available to be adopted, again. And were, swiftly.]

Clementine aka Dolly

Dolly before adoption

1 day: She has been renamed Dolly. She is doing really good. She has been using her litter tray, eating and drinking.1 week: “Dolly is a very happy kitten. The children love her and she just loves hanging out with them”1 month: “Dolly is really good. She is so playful and happy. Still just loves the children. She is such a delight to have running around the house.”


1 day: They think he is a bit stressed with the move. He has not used the litter tray or eaten. He has been hidden in a box in his room. They’re unsure whether they’ll rename him.

4 days: They’re not 100% sure if Alfredo has toileted yet, but he’s been cleaning out his bowls so they’re happy with his progress.9 days: Alfredo is definitely toileting a lot now and in the litter box. He is still quite shy and is keeping to his cardboard boxes. They have put more in to give him more play surfaces. They are hearing lots of movement late at night and early in the morning.

Around 3.5 weeks: Alfredo has gone missing. They have been leaving extra food around the house and have tried to see if the neighbours have seen anything. He’s been gone slightly over a week because they had an emergency overseas trip for a week. There was a window open about an inch to air out the litter smell but it was a very heavy window which was behind a closed wooden shutter. The doors are generally closed but there is a dog flap from the previous owner. They have closed the windows and blocked off the dog flap. They have been smelling cat scents (not a strong poo or pee smell) elsewhere in the house so they’re hoping he’s hiding inside. They’ve checked cupboards, under sinks, under the flush lid of toilets, but haven’t found him. They have 3-4 other cats on the street and quite a few dogs. 


Bond adopted

3 days: Bond had a very unsettled first 24 hours. He had diarrhoea on the bed in his safe room and stepped in it so they took him into another room to bathe him. They set him up in the laundry room.

2.5 weeks: Bond is going excellent. He put the owner in the hospital for 2 days and 2 weeks off work. He is moving in leaps and bounds. He’s had full range of the house since Friday and has well and truly adjusted to them. He’s eating and using the litter tray with no problems at all. Bond is friendly to them all now. He laid on his owner most of the day watching TV. He also helps them do the dishes and the cooking. “Bond is going really well now and we love him a lot now.”1 month and 1 week: Bond is going really well now and is in leaps and bounds. He’s come a long way in such a short time. “We are so pleased to have Bond in our lives”. They believe he is getting bigger now too.  

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