Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Adoption Tails: The Opera Kittens

 Minnie, now Zuzu

1 day: Minnie is renamed to Zuzu and she is doing very well! She is still confined to one room while the resident cat gets used to her smell, they have seen each other through the door a few times and are both curious and slightly unsure of each other but the owner thinks they are getting more comfortable each day. One thing the owner is unsure about is that Zuzu loves suckling on her quite a bit and she is assuming it was because she did not have her mum and was bottle fed but the owner wonders if the behaviour is OK or if it should be discouraged.
1 week: Zuzu is doing so well and the resident cat Eve has welcomed her with open arms and seems to even treat Zuzu like her own kitten! The owner was introducing them slowly but they were so keen to suss each other out and play together. Within one afternoon, they were comfortable hanging out together!

1 month: Things are going well and Zuzu & Eve are great friends! She's also growing so much every day!

Flute & Skeeter, now Suki and Smokey

1 day: Skeeter and Flute have been renamed to Smokey and Suki. They are great! Eating, running around and being awesome!
2 weeks: No problems with Smokey and Suki. They are well and lively. The owner is glad they have got each other because it is great to see them get on.
 1 month: They are great! The owner's son is interested in one of the siblings currently available at SAFE.

Pavarotti, now Figaro

1 day: Figaro, previously known as Pavarotti, is settling in well - eating, drinking and using the kitty litter. He is very playful and loves to explore. Even jumps up on the owner's lap for plenty of fubs and scratches with his motor running loudly. At the moment, Figaro is being restricted to the kitchen, family room and laundry although he made an escape attempt on Saturday night through a slight crack in the sliding door to the rest of the house. He was quickly guided back with a laser pointer. In the morning, he is usually in hiding but emerges when called. Figaro is quite at home.
1 week: Figaro is settling in very well. Very playful and lively. Climbing on everything, eg the table, heater, TV cabinet. The owner thinks she will invest in a tower. Using distractions and a firm "no" to counteract this natural behaviour. He's a very affectionate little cat.
1 month: Figaro is settling in well. He made it known he no longer wants to be locked in the kitchen area at bedtime. After one night of wanting to sit on the owner or hopping under the doona and trying to play, he now has the run of the house while the owner locks herself in the bedroom. That works well. He is a beautiful affectionate little cat.

Carreras & Domingo, now Bluey & Bingo

1 day: Domingo and Carreras have settled in wonderfully! It's like they have always been here. The owners have played lots of games with them and they slept through the whole night with very loud purring! They decided to sleep next to the owner last night which was really special, and came in for lots of cuddles. They have been eating the dry food that was provided and drinking lots of water. The owner plans on getting them onto the wet+dry food fix shortly but just wanted them to settle first. She also bought some cat milk from the shops for them to have about once or twice a week for their calcium. The owner was very impressed that they used the litter tray straight away. The family has nicknamed Domingo "Bingo" but plan on keeping his name and are in the process of coming up with a name for Carreras but he will stay the same if they don't think of anything. "They are such good boys
! Absolutely wonderful and I am very happy to have them here."
1 week: Bingo and Bluey are going well!! They are both currently asleep under the owner's bedsheets. They have met the dog and Bingo and the dog play together nicely. Bluey is still warming up to him. The two of them are mostly well behaved, they sleep through the night and wake the owner up in the morning by sneaking under the bedsheets and lying right next to her which is really cute. Bluey also sometimes sleeps with his eyes open which is slightly scary.

1 month: They are such incredible little boys. Adorably perfect and very entertaining. They love their food, they get fed three times a day but still act like they have never seen food in their life!! Definitely growing! At night and first thing in the morning, they always come for a cuddle without failure, they love being in the centre of everything no matter what is going on. They are the sweetest little things and the owner is so happy they came into her life!

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