Thursday, November 16, 2023

New enclosures

 These are very spacious for one cat. I imagine that they will be used for families. Prue and Trude were overexposed so I put up a modesty sheet to shield them from the front door traffic and put a towel over the transparent dome on the igloo that they were hiding in. They did come out for chicken. Sydney (next door) didn't.

Prue and Trude

These enclosures will be fun to clean because you can stand up easily in them. But I think the floor will take a beating. I will have to make more triangular hammocks for the cats to loll in.

Mimi also came out for chicken. She was so thrilled that she arched her back and her tail stuck through the top of her wigwam and made it fall to pieces. She may be sleeping on top of a felt bed tonight.

Spot, another new cat from a foster home is still sulking. He didn't fancy any chicken. It is a pity that Sparky's sang froid didn't infect that stand alone.
I forgot to bring in a newspaper for Pickle. As there was lots of cardboard around, I made a nesting box out of a sheet of it with the help of the Stanley blade and the stapler. I put some odd bits of paper in it and placed it behind a modesty sheet in Pickle's stand alone. She immediately jumped in and started to scratch at the paper. There might be kittens by tomorrow morning! Then I found the new mop and bucket in a perfectly sized box! The mop is put together and the box is on top of Pickle's stand alone in case it is needed.

Geoff made friends with blind Hermione.


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