Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Installment complete

 Of the new enclosures. We managed to get rid of the pile of bubble wrap and strapping tape in todays garbage. But there is a pile of cardboard to be got rid of. (Most of it is behind the couch in the entry). 

Plus, the air conditioning men came and fixed the leak in the airconditioner in the nursery. By the way, the box didn't do the trick on Pickles. I remembered a newspaper today so perhaps that will precipitate the birth. Katie reckons they should be born within the next five days.

Angus and brother have moved from the play place to a new enclosure which they enjoy. They have been replaced by Patch and Lily who came from the local pound. Patch is friendly, if confused. But Lily prefers to hide. They came from the same household but don't particularly like each other.



Blossom and her remaining two have moved from the Palace to a new enclosure. One of the kittens is very thin. He was always attached to a nipple but perhaps Blossom has run out of milk. He polished off a bowl of baby food in short order.

Blossom's boy
I let Aslan out for a walk. Prue and Trude noticed him. And Sydney came out to watch as well.
Aslan being watched

Then Trude noticed Sydney and stuck her paw into Sydney's enclosure.

Hi says Trude. Who are you? says Sydney

We have two boarders including Suzie aka Topaz who is dearly beloved by her owner.

Hugo has taken his bloke smell away and Ted has been adopted as well.

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