Thursday, November 23, 2023

No photos

 As I drove to Safe this morning, I remembered that my camera was sitting beside the charger getting its battery recharged. "Never mind, I can use my iPhone to take photos". 

In the meantime, three Friday morning vollies set up photo shoots to get Christmas photos of any cat who would cooperate. Dexter was a star. He sat in the fluffy bed (for sale at $60) and flashed his green eyes against a Xmas background. Mollie cooperated and posed with an elf toy although she didn't get out of her tee-pee. (The bulldog clips are keeping it together).

Max was a reluctant star. His top shelf was decorated with red crepe paper, yellow streamers, Xmas stockings and he sat solidly allowing himself to be photographed. 

I think these photos will appear on various platforms to advertise Safe.

Pickles hasn't had her kittens yet.

There is a mum and 4 kittens in the stand alone in Incoming who is very hungry and prepared to be friendly for food.

Here are a couple of photos that have hung around my desktop for quite a while



And above is the dog that I knitted for the next door grandson who will visit this year for Xmas from Denmark.

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