Friday, November 3, 2023

A film set

 This morning half a dozen Chinese young women arrived with cameras, tripods and other equipment. They are learning how to make documentaries, I gather. One was the director. There were a pair of cameras that the others operated. The cats and us were the actors. Tim got interviewed. Jade brought in a "cat" to board and I did the paperwork. We even did a mock adoption of Arlo and Annie. Let's hope that it was a warm up for the real thing tomorrow!

Of course with all that excitement and the distribution of chicken, I didn't even think of taking any photos so will use Joy's from Wednesday.

Kittah and Tosca were surrendered from the same family. They are not in a condo together because they didn't really like each other at home even though their eyebrows look sisterly. They both had dental work yesterday and are on soft food for a while. They got chicken juice.


Kenzie who used to be on soft food after dental work is back on crunchies. I think she prefers the soft stuff.

I put up the Top Cat for Maggie. I think it was her first opportunity and she had a lovely time. She even relaxed in the hammock. Billy is having the overnight go. 

Jagger is in the play place. He hid in a box most of the day. When it came to chicken time I wheeled in his stand alone. But he was too canny to jump in while I was close by. So he is still there. 

It doesn't matter because the space where his stand alone was, by the filing cabinet, has another empty stand alone there. It was moved from Isolation because new condos have arrived (thank you, Geoff) from Mona Vale vets who don't use them any more. They will be set up in Isolation and the Royal Cannin monster will be dismantled and discarded. Hurrah! It was originally built as a temporary display place for cats at shows. It is very hard to clean properly. And we will get more wire enclosures to take the place of the small AWL condos which will move into Incoming. 

Max is thrilled at the prospect:

Max says "Oh, really"

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